is a free classified ad portal, specialised in listing of private and business adverts of military technologies; firearms and cold weapons, ammunition, military gear, accessories, transportation equipment and thematic literature. It is intended to provide its services mainly to civil individuals and businesses with interest in historical weapons, replicas of historical weapon, deactivated weapons and airsoft and paintball enthusiasts.
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Bullet and shell feeders - Sale |
Ammunition |
04.10.2024, 18:56 |
P80 Glock 45 - Sale |
Handguns |
15.09.2024, 14:41 |
1954 Willys M38A1 - Sale |
Vehicles |
18.01.2023, 15:59 |
Ruger GP100 - Sale |
Handguns |
08.09.2021, 12:02 |
Winchester - Sale |
Ammunition |
05.05.2021, 16:36 |
1956 CHEVROLET 3100 BIG BACK - Sale |
Vehicles |
18.03.2021, 23:58 |
Beretta 92FS Two Tone - Sale |
Handguns |
27.08.2019, 03:27 |
french medal for fitness its in... - Sale |
Patches and badges |
17.07.2019, 23:42 |
nice 1920s french medal, in good... - Sale |
Patches and badges |
17.07.2019, 23:40 |
ww11 German water bottle in goo... - Sale |
Equipment & accessories |
17.07.2019, 23:36 |
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